Sunday, June 29, 2008
office affair
Saturday, June 28, 2008
simple healing prayer
Dear God,we pray for the quick recovery of all the sick and the dying especially those suffering from LUPUS and CANCER.
To those who will be tagged, all you have to do is keep this circulating.Even if it’s to only one person. In memory of anyone you know that has been struck down by a serious illness like Lupus or Cancer or is still living with it.
A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle.
Blogs who prayed: 1.) Eida’s Closet 2.) My Precious 3.) Just Me.. Eds 4.) Scribbles of My Life 5.)In This Game of Life 6.) Mind Bubbles 7.) Something Purple 8.) Vanity Kit 9.) Stripe&Yellow 10.) Em's Detour 11.) Changing Lanes 12.) Pit Stop 13.) YOU
Please Keep This Candle Going! There will be a cure soon. Continue to have Hope and continue to pray.
Please pray with us abie, eds, dez, melisse and thea.
share the love
This award is extra special because Crystal created it in honor of the donor who saved her son's life. Her son Noah had to have a heart transplant when he was just over a month old. This award is supposed to help raise awareness of the importance of organ donation.
Rules in sharing Crytal's Love:Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog. **All I ask, is that you include a link to this post with the award and ask your recipient to do the same**
As you may have recently seen on my side bar, I have finally created a custom blog award!! I have wanted to do this for a long time but never came up with something that “fit”. I didn’t want just anything. It had to be something that meant something to me. And what could mean more than Sharing the Love by giving you pieces of my heart??
So I created this award in Honor Of The Donor That Saved Noah’s Life. I share this award with those of you whose love and friendship have enriched my life and made my world a better place. I hope by passing this award around the blogging world we can all help raise awareness of the need for Organ Donation.
I am again sharing the love to my online friends val, vienne, vannie and aidisan.
friday's feast 1
What is the weather like today where you live? H-O-T! It's not actually hot. It's humid. And I don't like the feel of humidity in my skin. It gets sticky. Early mornings are fine though. Windy with a touch of sunshine.
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how career-minded are you? 10!
What type of window coverings do you have in your home? Blinds, curtains, shutters, etc.? I have blinds in my room and curtains everywhere else.
Main Course
Name something that instantly cheers you up. Strawberry ice cream!
How many times do you hit the snooze button on a typical morning? Depends on the day. 3 on average with 3 minute intervals.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
flame of friendship
Thanks Vien for this tag!
The Flame of Friendship.
A symbol of spirit of unity.
The burning icon of love.
Undying picture of hope.
The hot symbol of oneness.
The Flame of Friendship.
And now it's your turn to flame yourself!
Meet new friends. Discover friendship. Make bonds.
Copy this post starting from the PICTURE ABOVE to the end
and add your blog on the list below.
Let's start FLAMING!
The People Who Accepted The Flame of Friendship
Tiklaton: We are the witness.
Janeth Vicy's Life Journey.
My Precious
Princess Vien
Pit Stop
(now, you follow!)
OOOPSS!! Don't forget to invite your friends!
I am now passing this flame on to Em aka Babs, Maver, Jane, Jody, Thea, Eds and Dez.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
...because it's traffic!
Lola A: Lizzie, tell your mom where you want to go to school now...
Lizzie: Assumption po! (with a very high pitch)
Me: Why Assumption, Lizzie?
Lizzie: Because St. Paul is traffic!
Hahahaha! Naturuan ng mahusay ah? All is good. =)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
a man named nonong
I grew up with my dad since my mom left when I was barely 6. She left because she wanted to give my big bro and me a bright future and a comfortable life. And during the time when we were about to go to school, times were really hard for us. So, I was left in the care of my dad who did a superb job in raising me and my brother. He was a mom and dad in one. He was present in all my piano and voice recitals. He made my grass skirt when we were asked to perform the Polynesian dance in grade school. He was always an officer in all the PTAs that he attended. He talks to my teachers when there are issues in school that my young self could not settle. He brings me to school every day for years and picks me up without fail. I remember days when it would rain so hard in our province and I had to ride the tricycle going home, he would wait for me in the "kanto" of our subdivison with a very big umbrella (you know the ones vendors use to sell their goods -- the colorful parasols?). He won't eat without me. He tucks me to bed up until the time I was in fourth grade. He was there in every milestone of my young life -- recitals, proms, high school graduation..
When I entered college, he was still there. Although he let me be during our registration, he was still constantly checking on me. You wouldn't believe but during the first three weeks as a college freshman, he (together with my mom this time) would wait for me for hours at McDonalds, Philcoa because I didn't know how to commute going home to my grandparent's house in Makati. So, we would all wake up at 6, travel (via bus along EDSA) to Diliman to catch my first GE class at 8:30 AM.. they would let me ride the jeep going inside the campus while they spend the day reading the newspaper, books or just talking to each other. My class would finish at 4PM. That was 4 times a week. And he did that sacrifice (with my mom) for three long weeks, until I got used to the commute back and forth.
Two months after school started, I was afflicted with High Fever. Without second thoughts, he left my mom and brother in the province and flew to Manila to watch over me. He stayed for another month. Cooked. Prepared my things. Made sure that the area I was living in was clean and safe (I was already renting a space near the campus then). My bed was a pull put bed and he would sleep on the lower bunk with the thinner foam. The night he left for the province, I felt as if my heart was breaking into pieces. I wanted my dad to stay a little longer here but he had to go home to attend the "Traslacion" as he was a staunch devotee of our Lady of Penafrancia.
I grew my wings and explored here in the big city. But when problems beset, I'd go back to my dad. Always. College grad. Work. Years have passed. My dad was growing old. And so was I. When I got a new apartment, my mom asked my dad to come over again so he can fix my place. Since the place was breand new, he did everything all by himself -- from putting on tiles, to installing the blinds, the wall paper, installing the aircon unit, buying the bed and cabinets, installing planks for my books, painting my door, installing double locks for my safety. Once again, he stayed with me for another month until he was confident that I can live on my own The night he left for the province, I felt as if my heart was breaking into pieces. Again.
When I got pregnant, he was the very first person we shared the good news to. The night before my wedding day, he wrote a note and left it on the night table of my hotel. I was able to read it when I woke up on the morning of my wedding day (they were already out to fix last minute stuff). The note said: "You will forever be my baby girl. I love you Nene. Daddy"
Now after all these years, I would say that a father's life is a life of sacrifice. HIs life may be gone in the future, but his love will stay. It has passed on to me so I can pass it on to my children. A faher's love is never lost.
To you dad, thanks for being the greatest teacher. And the best father in the world. I am grateful for mom for the comfortable life she gave me and Raman and for us, she is superwoman. But I am also grateful to you -- for your presence in my life. Yesterday, Today and Always.
Happy Father's Day!!!
the man's corner
The rule of this tag is for you to brag about "Daddy" (your husband if you have one or your dad if you do not have a husband yet). Started by
1) Copy from {Start Copy Here} to {End Copy Here}.
2) Blog ‘Brag’ about your husband - yes, the father of your child/ren. As I’ve said singles may also join by bragging about their own fathers, or even grandfathers. It doesn’t matter! Of course, Daddy bloggers themselves may also join, but you have to blog about your fathers and not about yourselves, deal? Okay. Good.
3) Add your blog in the master list below linking to the post that you just made. Or if you wish, do it as how I’ve done it in
4) Leave your comment here and don’t forget to leave your link so you can be added on the masterlist. Yup. Here. Thanks!
5) Let’s not forget Peppermint Creative for the corner border I used for the badge. Masterlist.
{End Copy Here}
Next to my own dad, I can say that my husband is one great man any child will be proud of showing off to her friends. I am happiest with you, dada. You make me feel beautiful everyday of my life. Happy Father's Day and I love you so much!
Why do I love my husband?
It's always his family before anything and anyone else.
He is the most generous person I have ever met. Never mind if there's nothing for him, for as long as his daughter and I are contented and fine, he is fine.
He teaches Lizzie good values. He is strict yet loving. He is firm yet his heart melts when Lizzie starts to be adorable.
He never gives up on teaching Lizzie new things like the alphabet, animals, numbers and colors. He is her first teacher.
He is my daughter's Manny Paquiao. Lizzie thinks that when all else fail, her dada will be there to protect her. And this is true.
He speaks well. Writes well. Sings well. Does everything well.
More about him
Saturday, June 14, 2008
come what may
COME WHAT MAY (Lani Hall with Herp Albert)
wish i was your child
hold me in your heart
we could love so free
and know it never die
but i am not a child
and wishes are just child's play
my love
no i never be afraid of who i am
and who i am not come what may
wish i was a bird
i warmed you with my wings
safe from all the storm
you know true love can bring
but i am not a bird
and wishes and just fly away
my love
no i never be afraid of who i am
and who i am not come what may
la la la
la la la
but i am not the voice
shinning in your eyes
and your the star
my love
no we never be afraid of who we are
and who were not come what may
no we never be afraid of who we are
and who were not come what may
no we never be afraid of who we are
and who were not come what may
Friday, June 13, 2008
who needs a memory card?
paranoia relived
Sunday, June 8, 2008
kitchen finds
banana milk bowl
biscuit box
coccodandy egg basket
mary biscuit box
what's in a name
You Like Names That Are Popular and Modern |
![]() It's possible that you like the idea of naming someone after a friend. You taste in names is very mainstream. You don't like odd names at all. You rather share a name with someone you know than be stuck with a weird name. Some female names you might like: Amber, Erica, Kristen, Lauren, Megan, Tara, and Vanessa Some male names you might like: Brett, Christian, Jason, Kyle, Logan, Scott, and Trevor |
star award!
I am in turn giving this award to Jan's bits and pieces, Pat's shopaholic ties the knot, Alpha's my blog, Peachy's my life is peachy, Rhea's 180 degrees, Precious' ripples of joy.
love luck
dad's business
driving me nuts!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
lose weight fast!
a genius i am? hahaha!
I am speechless, Val! Is this true? Well, I hope it is because panalo ako pag nagkataon! Hahahaha!
Here are the rules:
1. Check out your Blog Readability Test here then post it.
2. (OPTIONAL) Stop asking yourself regarding the results of the test (LOL!)
3. Add your blog from the list together with the results.4. Tag as many friends you like.
1. Big Eyed Gal - High School 2. The Chronic Shopper - Elementary 3. Vital Sighs - Genius 4. Changing Lanes 5. Pit Stop 6. YOUR BLOG HERE
What's your blog's readability level? Aggie, Thea, Alpha and Pat?
lizzie starts to read
After weaning my 2 year old daughter, my next project is to teach her how to read. Some will say that it’s too early to do that to kids but for me, it’s never early to let children understand the value of learning and to expose them with good instructional materials to better prepare them for the big school. I have been collecting educational DVDs, flash cards and books to help me in teaching Lizzie read and write. Just by looking at the materials make me giggle with excitement.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
things to accomplish before i become a golden girl a house with white picket fence and a lawn
2.send lizzie to the best school with my family
4.go to holland a hummer
6.try parasailing again a plane
8.renew ourmarriage vows in the same church where we were married something nice to the environment
10.go to one of those luxury vacations with my husband.
cara as a fairy
Where on earth shall I find those? I got an SMS from my brother asking me if I can send some renaissance costumes for my niece's foundation day in school two weeks from now. You see they live in the province and their chances of finding one is really close to impossible. If ever there is one, the choice is limited. So, I guess I have to take time off from work to scour the malls for these type of clothes for my niece.
our dear gabby
As what I have previously mentioned in my other blog, my sister in law is having a baby girl in 3 months and she is going to name her little angel Aubrey Gabrielle. This early, we are all too giddy and excited about what to give her. My daughter talks to her cousin Gabby as if she is already born. She is one funny lass! We just can't wait for her coming in September. But for now, I just wish that my sister in law finds joy in wearing all the maternity clothes that I gave her a few months back.
financial aid
Since the day that we opened our construction business, my husband and I would not stop discussing about other prospective businesses that we might venture later on. We have heard a lot about Small Business Financing but have really not researched on that as much so when I chanced upon a site that offers Small Business Loans to small-scale businessmen like us, we got all too excited that we devoted our entire afternoon today checking what the site offers. Just the fact that they do offer Small Business Loan to starting businessmen is really worth trying. They have excellent service and easy process so it's something to really consider trying. How about you? Have you thought of your own business yet?