This is where I am going to write all about the things I want to have and acquire -- material ones this time, from clothes, to shoes, to make up, to gadgets until I see the finish line..
This is the last week of 2010 so allow us to celebrate and give thanks for the wonderful year that was. 2010 was a mixture of happy and sad months, a mixture of good and bad news, a mixture of triumphs and defeats. And now, as we move forward and welcome a new year, more than the sports trophies or bag awards that we long to receive, let us not forget to praise God for not letting us down in moments of trials and who continues to lift us up in time of downfalls.
Just when I thought I am all set in welcoming the new year, I suddenly remembered that I have to renew the insurance of my family. Still not decided on whether or not I will get another insurance for them as I have been paying a hole lot already for the other one however the insurance quotes that was sent to me by a friend is enticing that I am thinking otherwise. What do you guys think?
When you become a parent, or a mother at that, the essence of child safety is the first on your list. You care less about other people and even yourself. What you would always want and wish for, even pray for, would be for the best of your child especially her safety. I have been like this since almost 6 years ago when I first had my daughter. My prayers would be for her safety and protection. My prayers have doubled this year when I had my son. I know that nannies abound but you can only find the perfect match for you and your family through time. I don't want any nanny cameras at home because it defeats the purpose of having a warm, truthful, honest and homey atmosphere. But if there really is a need for me to do that, I can purchase affordable ones at Each night, I would close my eyes and pray that they will both be guarded by their angels so nothing and no one can ever warn them. Safety and protection for my children, all the time.
I am trying my best to live a healthy life. Cancer scares the hell out of me and if I were given a choice, I would not want to die because of this. One deadly disease is Mesothelioma. This is deadly and at the same, can be avoided if detected and treated right away. It is a diffuse malignancy and spreads itself throughout a tissue area. I don't want to die of cancer so prevention and early detection is the ultimate key.
A former colleague has resigned and has recently opened up her own business. As we speak, I was informed that she has one of the best web hosting sites in the country. She has hired experienced webmasters that carefully review and test each web hosting company and rank them according to reliability, price value and customer service. She may not have succeeded in her previous field but I am glad that she has found her niche in the online world.
Am I that fat to be recommended to take Lipofuze by my good friends? Hayst. Not that I am hurt because really, I am not. The fact that it would burn fat and even lose up to 10 pounds in your first 7 days thrills me. Imagine, burning all these unwanted calories and the other calories that I will be gaining this season, how can I not take a chance and give this a try. Who knows?
I am very particular with toilets. I want to make sure that they are spic and span clean and they smell good. The toilets at home are being disinfected everyday and general cleaning are done weekly. This does not include the daily morning cleaning ritual as I get easily irked when I see even a single strand of hair on the floor. What about you? What's your favorite room in your house?
We have been convincing my father in law, who is in the construction business, to try the POS systems but he is having a hard time understanding the benefits that this could give him and us. We have been telling him that these gadgets would make his life at least 50% easier as they would do all the dirty work for him. But being a paper, old style guy, it would take a few more convincing powers before he could give us the go signal.
I never thought that cubic zirconia rings can be as elegant and as classy as diamond rings. You can never see the difference because they almost have the same clarity. I don't mind getting a few pieces for myself and my daughter as I find it really very dainty and classy. Wouldn't you want some too?
I have been an active internet fan for more than 15 years already but I have not encountered a web hosting service as efficient and cost friendly as The way members are treated by customer service or technical support when they call in for problems, the way they price their services, and even the speed of results are just too awesome to mention. I have never seen anything like this before.
I was wondering if you know of some home remedies for blackheads? I have been getting them in my face and it's starting to irritate me already. I think I got these from the new soap that I am using now. Changed it right after tiny specks start appearing on my face but it seems that it's not enough I changed my beauty soap. I really have to find a way to cure this or else....
wifey to a gentle giant. mum to a big little girl. office manager. business apprentice on weekends. camwhore. coffee addict. beach bum. neophyte cook. gardener. subscribes to all local and foreign showbiz magazines. loves to read books from potter to eco to alighieri to kinsella. speakerphone. lurves shoes and bags. loves life. coz life is good.