Passing this on to Val, Ems aka Babs and Maver. Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
friends are the best
Thanks for this tag Jhona and Dez! Just when I needed some tags for this blog. Heee!!! Happy Wednesday everybody!!
wordless wednesday - my baby's crib
Lizzie's crib lovingly assembled by her dad a month before she came out. Pink. Pink. And lots of pink.
Manila. 2005.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
on being prepared
One of greatest fears is to grow old without nothing. Poverty, in other words. So as early as now, my husband and I have beens saving up for our daughter's future and for our retirement years as well. The last thing that I want to happen is to worry about money when I am already wrinkled, old and grey. I have recently spoken with an agent who discussed life insurance rates with me. I found it quite interesting so I might consider it as well. Being prepared is something I have learned from my parents. I am working really hard so that life now will be comfortable for me and my family. A comfortable life in the present would surely mean a good life in the future.
weekend snapshots 1
This was taken when my family went to Tagaytay for some R&R last weekend. It was a good break from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis.
Happy Weekend!
Happy Weekend!
my friend's angelic face
I have been helping my closest office colleague with her acne problems. She has been bothered by this "ailment" since her college days but didn't have the means to alleviate the problem then. Now that she has extra budget for it, she asked for my help to look for good acne products which I can highly recommend. I have not experienced having acne so I spent hours researching in the web about what I can suggest to her. She has a pretty face and it would be really nice if we can find a solution to her acne problems soon.
Snagged this from Jane.
1. Do you want to grow old with someone or be single? I never wished to grow old alone. And I am grateful to be assured that someone will be with me in my old and grey days.
2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? Feeding Lizzie her breakfast of cereals and milk.
3. What were you doing in last 30 minutes? In the shower taking a hot bath.
4. What was something that happened to you in 1998? Pretty much busy with school. I was a sophomore then so I was probably busy hanging out with my orgmates from UP, Dang, Nong and my ex boyfriend, J.
5. If you were stranded on an island with the person you hated and without food what would you do? Knowing myself, I won't bother making peace with the person. I will fight for my survival.
6. When someone catches your eye, do you try to make an eye contact or avoid it? Depends on the situation.
7. What color is your comb? My comb is colored blue and white. I use it after shower when my hair is dripping wet.
8.What was the last thing you bought? dog food.
9. How do u know when ur inlove? There's this certain kind of glow that emanates :)
10. Have you been to China? Yes.
11. Where do you keep your money? wallet, bank, drawer.
12. Do you wish you were back together with any of your exes? No.
13. Do you like peanut butter? yup.
14. Have you been to UK? No.
15. Dream country? Australia and New Zealand.
16. The thing you love about relationships? The commitment that you share with the other person.
17. The thing you love about being single? not having to think about another person. When I was single, I can do whatever I want without thinking of anyone else.
18. Would you give up a dream for someone you loved? Definitely.
19. Do you wanna cut your hair? I just did.
20. Are you over the age of 25? Yes.
21. Do you talk a lot? Super.
25. Favorite ice cream? strawberry.
26. Could you date someone who has been only your friend for a long time? perhaps.
27. Are you typically a jealous person? When I was younger, yes.
28. Is there such thing as perfect relationship? No.
32. Do you chew on your straws? No.
33. Do you have curly hair? No.
35. The kind of person you’re first attracted to? brainy and smart. someone who can strike a good conversation. someone who will not bore me to death.
37. What is something you say a lot? really?
40. Do you have to work tomorrow? No.
41. Who was the last person you said I love you to? Lizzie.
1. Do you want to grow old with someone or be single? I never wished to grow old alone. And I am grateful to be assured that someone will be with me in my old and grey days.
2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? Feeding Lizzie her breakfast of cereals and milk.
3. What were you doing in last 30 minutes? In the shower taking a hot bath.
4. What was something that happened to you in 1998? Pretty much busy with school. I was a sophomore then so I was probably busy hanging out with my orgmates from UP, Dang, Nong and my ex boyfriend, J.
5. If you were stranded on an island with the person you hated and without food what would you do? Knowing myself, I won't bother making peace with the person. I will fight for my survival.
6. When someone catches your eye, do you try to make an eye contact or avoid it? Depends on the situation.
7. What color is your comb? My comb is colored blue and white. I use it after shower when my hair is dripping wet.
8.What was the last thing you bought? dog food.
9. How do u know when ur inlove? There's this certain kind of glow that emanates :)
10. Have you been to China? Yes.
11. Where do you keep your money? wallet, bank, drawer.
12. Do you wish you were back together with any of your exes? No.
13. Do you like peanut butter? yup.
14. Have you been to UK? No.
15. Dream country? Australia and New Zealand.
16. The thing you love about relationships? The commitment that you share with the other person.
17. The thing you love about being single? not having to think about another person. When I was single, I can do whatever I want without thinking of anyone else.
18. Would you give up a dream for someone you loved? Definitely.
19. Do you wanna cut your hair? I just did.
20. Are you over the age of 25? Yes.
21. Do you talk a lot? Super.
25. Favorite ice cream? strawberry.
26. Could you date someone who has been only your friend for a long time? perhaps.
27. Are you typically a jealous person? When I was younger, yes.
28. Is there such thing as perfect relationship? No.
32. Do you chew on your straws? No.
33. Do you have curly hair? No.
35. The kind of person you’re first attracted to? brainy and smart. someone who can strike a good conversation. someone who will not bore me to death.
37. What is something you say a lot? really?
40. Do you have to work tomorrow? No.
41. Who was the last person you said I love you to? Lizzie.
Monday, July 21, 2008
all about me tag
Thanks for the tag, Babs!
The rules:
A. List these rules on your blog.
B. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
C. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
You’ll have to read on for my 7 facts and see who I tagged.
1. I love the black part of rice when cooked. We call it "tutong" in the Philippines.
2. I love to sleep! I can sleep for hours and hours non stop. I will not give it up for any gimmick in the world.
3. I am a no-maintenance kind of girl. I can leave the house with my hair wet, no powder on my face, no lip gloss. I can even stand not looking at the mirror the entire day.
4. I have a way of convincing people by just looking at them. ;)
5. I'm a great multitasker. I can blog, babysit, listen to what's showing on TV and converse with my husband all at the same time. Freaky?
6. I am OC when it comes to my bags and shoes. I have to make sure that the bag that I will be using for the week matches the pairs of shoes that I will be wearing as well.
7. I wake up at 2am every Friday to visit the Black Nazarene. It never fails!
Tagging: Vien, Abie, Tracy, Thea, Maver, Pat and Aggie.
The rules:
A. List these rules on your blog.
B. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
C. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
You’ll have to read on for my 7 facts and see who I tagged.
1. I love the black part of rice when cooked. We call it "tutong" in the Philippines.
2. I love to sleep! I can sleep for hours and hours non stop. I will not give it up for any gimmick in the world.
3. I am a no-maintenance kind of girl. I can leave the house with my hair wet, no powder on my face, no lip gloss. I can even stand not looking at the mirror the entire day.
4. I have a way of convincing people by just looking at them. ;)
5. I'm a great multitasker. I can blog, babysit, listen to what's showing on TV and converse with my husband all at the same time. Freaky?
6. I am OC when it comes to my bags and shoes. I have to make sure that the bag that I will be using for the week matches the pairs of shoes that I will be wearing as well.
7. I wake up at 2am every Friday to visit the Black Nazarene. It never fails!
Tagging: Vien, Abie, Tracy, Thea, Maver, Pat and Aggie.
meet my cousin
I was on the phone with my mom last night and she can't stop bragging about one of my cousings who made it really big in the US. The reason why she was so proud of him is because we sent him to school as his parents can't afford much for his schooling. He took poverty as a challenge for him to excel and be somebody. So when the opportunity of going abroad knocked on his door, he grabbed it and persevered. Now after ten years of hardwork and determination, I learned from mom that he works as one of Chicago personal injury lawyers. He is earning really well and as a matter of fact, he sponsored for my parents' trip to Chicago next month. It's going to be a heartwarming reunion, I bet.
Aggie Wants to Know # 3 - midway
Thanks Aggie for starting this up. I swear, I'm loving all the topics you're starting each week! More to come! More to come!
2008 Wrap Up — First Half Edition:
Apply for that "post". It has always been there but I felt I was not yet ready to take it.
I stopped making myself believe in resolutions. I am such a procrastinator. Arthuz always calls me "Introvoys" simply because I am only good at the start hehehehe!
Someone very close to me will give birth in a few weeks and I am darn excited about it!
Arthuz's uncle died last month.
More money in Lizzie's "beautiful bank", more savings in my bank, the drive to move up, determination to lose weight, focus.
April 14, 2008 - there will always be something that will test my resilience and strength of character.
Weaning Lizzie and training her not to wet her bed. Exceptional Performance at work that earned me a 5 (the highest in Performance Appraisal). For this, I got a pretty huge increase for this year ;)
Not losing weight.
Thankfully none. I am A-OK in terms of my health!
My laptop.
Arthuz - for the change of heart.
Me- for making it happen!
Lizzie - for growing up really well :)
Some of my staff.
Bills. Bank. Mall. Heee!
The post. Changes at work. The ending to the saga.
Low and Umbrella because Lizzie sings them all the time, Bitterly because I play it everytime I'm in the car, David Cook's version of Always be my baby and Time of my Life.
Happier. It can't get better than this!
Hahaha! Fatter, obviously... Happier = fatter.
Poorer. But a million times happier and at peace. (ditto aggie!)
Spent more time with my growing girl. I feel that work is eating up most of my time lately. Also, exerted more effort in getting rid of the excess fat...
Procrastinating. Getting mad.
With my in laws. We spent last christmas with my family in Bicol because my parents came home for their annual break.
I am always in love with Arthuz and Lizzie. They cause all the giddiness that I feel each day.
I got really addicted to Gossip Girls and Cashmere Mafia. I wish I could watch some "Primetime Bida" shows too but I always get ousted by my two playmates at home. They rule the 2 TV sets in my house.
Yes. But hate is a heavy term. Let's just say I don't like the person.
Memoirs of a Geisha. Guess How Much I love you (again and again and again!).
Parokya Ni Edgar (seriously)
The "post". This laptop. My "#1 wish" to PHN --->this one still brings tears down my cheeks. Proves that God does not sleep on us.
Kung Fu Panda because it was Lizzie's first time to watch a movie in a movie house.
I pushed the big 3-0 last January and my mom and brother cooked for me. I had a big birthday bash at my house with all the people close to me in attendance.
mostly crisp white tops and khaki pants
My 2 playmates and my friends.
David Cook. PacMan.
Apathetic to politics.
Mommy and Daddy
AWTK #3: How’d your first six months go? And what are you looking forward to the next six months?
Inspired by what I have done so far, below are my goals for the rest of 2008:
1. Lose more weight. Food has been my best friend for the last 6 months. I want to be able to shed off at least a few pounds.
2. Meet my personal goals at work.
3. Grow my hair.
4. Spend more time with the little lass. Bring her to the village preschool after her 3rd birthday.
5. Spend wisely.
Celebrated my Big 3-0 in the company of the people who mattered. My parents were in the country. My brother cooked for me. I had a blast!
My (baby) sister in law got married to his chinese boyfriend of 3 years.
Performing really well at work.
Celebrated the month of love quietly. Floating on air.
Work. Work. Work.
I am married to my best friend for 3 years now! And I am loving it!
Was transferred to another campaign. Fearful yet excited.
Opened our own construction business. Though I was left in the corporate world, I still work closely with my husband during my rest days.
Business is doing really well. Above expectations.
Lizzie stopped drinking from the bottle.
Still doing good at work.
Lizzie starts to sleep without nappies.
Great month for the business and my career.
Got the "post"
Happy happy joy joy (sabi nga ni Ems)
...I am so grateful for all these blessings coming my way. We're only halfway through but I know I am realizing all my dreams, the desires of my heart, my wishes. My ally, Jesus of Nazarene has never failed me. He has shown me that Faith can do wonders and for as long as I have faith, my life will only get better...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
abc of fashion
Fashion fade, style is eternal. --- Yves Saint Lauren
When it comes to fashion and kakikayan, I know I can always count on Em, who coincidentally tagged me with this. I am not really very keen on fashion. I always go for the classics -- audrey hepburn look. But I am sure to enjoy this tag so let's play along. I'm tagging VAL, ALPHA, CHUBBY, SHEILA and GRACE.
players: yennygirl whenmomspeakskathycotbuhaymisis coffee table conversations living the healthy life mindbubbles vanitykit stripe&yellow somethingpurple em's detour changing lanes pit stop your site here!
A: What accessories do you wear everyday?
***a set of pearl and diamond earrings I got from my mom, my rings (engagement and wedding), kenneth cole watch, charriol bracelet and my ID necklace
B: What is your beauty routine?
***I am very low-maintenance (no maintenance pa nga eh!). Back in college, I lived in an all-girls dorm where water was a problem. No, I don't skip bath time if that's what you're thinking hehehe. We just didn't have the luxury of long baths and the abundance of water. There was a long line waiting for you to finish. I am good with soap and water on my face back then. Brushing my teeth was a must. And is still a must. Now, I take a hot shower in the morning and a warm bath before I retire at night. I brush my teeth 3 times a day. Moisturize my face in the morning, and I cleanse at night. I always forget to put on lotion and no make up except some loose powder and a lip balm.
C: What was the last item of clothing (for yourself) that you purchased?
***Just shopped for some new office wardrobe in TriNoMa this afternoon. A few pairs of tops, slacks and skirts and a pair of pumps and ballet flats. Hantagal ko na di nagsashop!
D: Do you use a dresser, closet, or both?
E: What type of earrings are in your ears right now?
***pearl and diamond earrings.
F: What type of figure do you have?
***next question please. I used to be balingkinitan okay but now, after almost 4 years of being married and a toddler to boot, bilugan na akey!
G: Do you wear glasses?
***contacts during the day. glasses at night.
H: What type of handbag do you carry?
***depends on my get up. I usually carry my big brown bag to work because it's so huge, it can double as a diaper bag :). A few weeks ago, I have been (over)using the blue lacoste classic bag my mother in law gave me. For 2 days now, I have been wearing my tiny nine west hand bag which can only fit my purse, mobile, cologne and a small comb.
I: What is your ideal style?
***classic. I am always in crisp whites and khakis in the office. During the weekends, I am either in shorts or mini skirts paired with a tank top or a button down
When it comes to fashion and kakikayan, I know I can always count on Em, who coincidentally tagged me with this. I am not really very keen on fashion. I always go for the classics -- audrey hepburn look. But I am sure to enjoy this tag so let's play along. I'm tagging VAL, ALPHA, CHUBBY, SHEILA and GRACE.
players: yennygirl whenmomspeakskathycotbuhaymisis coffee table conversations living the healthy life mindbubbles vanitykit stripe&yellow somethingpurple em's detour changing lanes pit stop your site here!
A: What accessories do you wear everyday?
***a set of pearl and diamond earrings I got from my mom, my rings (engagement and wedding), kenneth cole watch, charriol bracelet and my ID necklace
B: What is your beauty routine?
***I am very low-maintenance (no maintenance pa nga eh!). Back in college, I lived in an all-girls dorm where water was a problem. No, I don't skip bath time if that's what you're thinking hehehe. We just didn't have the luxury of long baths and the abundance of water. There was a long line waiting for you to finish. I am good with soap and water on my face back then. Brushing my teeth was a must. And is still a must. Now, I take a hot shower in the morning and a warm bath before I retire at night. I brush my teeth 3 times a day. Moisturize my face in the morning, and I cleanse at night. I always forget to put on lotion and no make up except some loose powder and a lip balm.
C: What was the last item of clothing (for yourself) that you purchased?
***Just shopped for some new office wardrobe in TriNoMa this afternoon. A few pairs of tops, slacks and skirts and a pair of pumps and ballet flats. Hantagal ko na di nagsashop!
D: Do you use a dresser, closet, or both?
E: What type of earrings are in your ears right now?
***pearl and diamond earrings.
F: What type of figure do you have?
***next question please. I used to be balingkinitan okay but now, after almost 4 years of being married and a toddler to boot, bilugan na akey!
G: Do you wear glasses?
***contacts during the day. glasses at night.
H: What type of handbag do you carry?
***depends on my get up. I usually carry my big brown bag to work because it's so huge, it can double as a diaper bag :). A few weeks ago, I have been (over)using the blue lacoste classic bag my mother in law gave me. For 2 days now, I have been wearing my tiny nine west hand bag which can only fit my purse, mobile, cologne and a small comb.
I: What is your ideal style?
***classic. I am always in crisp whites and khakis in the office. During the weekends, I am either in shorts or mini skirts paired with a tank top or a button down
UAAP update - the dela rosa style
UP Fighting Maroons - 1 win, 1 loss
UST Growling Tigers - 1 win, 1 loss
UST Growling Tigers - 1 win, 1 loss
friday's feast # 1
When was the last time you had your hair cut/trimmed?
***a couple of months ago. I finally had the guts the let go of my long tresses...
***a couple of months ago. I finally had the guts the let go of my long tresses...
Name one thing you miss about being a child.
***not worrying too much about life. knowing that someone will take care of everything, and that someone is definitely not you.
***not worrying too much about life. knowing that someone will take care of everything, and that someone is definitely not you.
Pick one: butter, margarine, olive oil.
***i love how butter changes the taste of everything!
***i love how butter changes the taste of everything!
Main Course
If you could learn another language, which one would you pick, and why?
***mandarin because i need it for my job.
***mandarin because i need it for my job.
Finish this sentence: In 5 years I expect to be…
***retired from the corporate world and enjoying my role as a soccer mom :)
***retired from the corporate world and enjoying my role as a soccer mom :)
Happy Feasting Everyone!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
monster mom
In between shouts and shrieks while watching the UP-UST game in Channel 23, my daughter (because she was always nagugulat with my loud voice) blurted out:
"Hey mama, you are my monster mom!"
my last resort
I have been wanting to lose weight since the start of this year. You see, after I got the results of the Annual Physical exams at work, I vowed to really start losing weight. It's really a struggle losing weight especially when there are just too many mouth watering food before you. I tried sweating out my excess fats in the gym but I got tired eventually. My friend suggested to try taking diet pill and I guess, I might consider it soon. Will keep you posted on my weight improvement folks!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
interesting tag
Got this tag from Pat. Thanks girl!
This is very interesting and fun to do.
Have you ever gone on a blind date? Yes. The first date with my husband was a blind date! :)
Skipped school? Yup, during my college days
Been on a plane? Yup
Been lost? Nope. I have a very good sense of direction.
Swam in the ocean? Nope
Cried yourself to sleep? Yup
Played cops and robbers? With Lizzie now. She's the cop and I am the robber.
Played dolls? Yup. Barbie dolls.
Recently colored with crayons? Yup. With Lizzie.
Sang Karaoke? Nope
Paid for a meal with coins only? Yup. In college. Life was hard then.
Done something you said you wouldn't? Yup
Cheated on a test? yup!
Made prank phone calls? yup, when i was younger
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? yup! hahaha!
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? never experienced snow yet. But I will soon!
Danced in the rain? all the time when I was a kid.
Written a letter to Santa Claus? yup. Now i feel silly for doing that.
Watched the sunrise with someone you care about? Yeah, before.
Been kissed under the mistletoe? Yup.
Gone ice skating? yes
Been skinny dipping outdoors? Nope
Favorite drink I'm allowed on a regular basis? Coke but I'm trying to cut down
Tattoos? None. My husband has a lot though.
Body piercings? Just ears.
Vacation spot? Bali
Eaten cookies for dinner? Yup
Ever been on TV? yeah. Does being featured as face of the UAAP count? :)
Ever been in a car accident? Yes. I was 7 months on the way and it was a major accident talaga. Our car was rammed on the side (arthuz's) by a 14 wheeler truck.
Favorite number and why? 4. No explanation.
Favorite movie? GWTW
Favorite holiday? Christmas
Favorite smells? rain, crisp mornings and Lizzie
What do you do to relax? read, sleep, listen to music
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? woman of leisure and living on interest --> ditto to that! :)
Tagging you!
This is very interesting and fun to do.
Have you ever gone on a blind date? Yes. The first date with my husband was a blind date! :)
Skipped school? Yup, during my college days
Been on a plane? Yup
Been lost? Nope. I have a very good sense of direction.
Swam in the ocean? Nope
Cried yourself to sleep? Yup
Played cops and robbers? With Lizzie now. She's the cop and I am the robber.
Played dolls? Yup. Barbie dolls.
Recently colored with crayons? Yup. With Lizzie.
Sang Karaoke? Nope
Paid for a meal with coins only? Yup. In college. Life was hard then.
Done something you said you wouldn't? Yup
Cheated on a test? yup!
Made prank phone calls? yup, when i was younger
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? yup! hahaha!
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? never experienced snow yet. But I will soon!
Danced in the rain? all the time when I was a kid.
Written a letter to Santa Claus? yup. Now i feel silly for doing that.
Watched the sunrise with someone you care about? Yeah, before.
Been kissed under the mistletoe? Yup.
Gone ice skating? yes
Been skinny dipping outdoors? Nope
Favorite drink I'm allowed on a regular basis? Coke but I'm trying to cut down
Tattoos? None. My husband has a lot though.
Body piercings? Just ears.
Vacation spot? Bali
Eaten cookies for dinner? Yup
Ever been on TV? yeah. Does being featured as face of the UAAP count? :)
Ever been in a car accident? Yes. I was 7 months on the way and it was a major accident talaga. Our car was rammed on the side (arthuz's) by a 14 wheeler truck.
Favorite number and why? 4. No explanation.
Favorite movie? GWTW
Favorite holiday? Christmas
Favorite smells? rain, crisp mornings and Lizzie
What do you do to relax? read, sleep, listen to music
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? woman of leisure and living on interest --> ditto to that! :)
Tagging you!
Monday Bug Tag
Snagged this from Aggie. Thanks sis! :)
1. Complete this phrase: “If only I could..”
:: …have more energy to do more tasks in one day
2. Did you get enough sleep last night?
:: Not really. Though I slept at 11 and wake up time this week is 6, I still feel I am lacking on sleep since I am training Lizzie not to wet her bed. I set the alarm clock thrice (1:30AM, 4:30AM and 6AM) to bring her to the bathroom to pee. She has been very obedient and cooperative about this project, in fairness to her :)
3. What were you doing before you slept last night?
:: I was at the wake of my husband's childhood friend. Passed by McDo for a bite (bawal daw dumerecho bahay pagkagaling sa patay sabi ng mga olds)
4. First thing you thought about this morning when you woke up?
:: Why was my boss calling me at 5 in the morning?!!?? Problema na naman??!!
5. Do you ever wonder why the sky is blue?
:: No. I dont actually think about things like that.
6. Did you ever try to skip meals?
:: I try not to. You see, I love eating. And eating loves me too.
7. Lights on or off?
:: Lights off! Sayang kuryente noh!
9. Are you afraid of the dark?
:: Sometimes
10. Favorite hangout/s?
:: Unbelievably, our favorite hang out is my in laws' room (full blast AC, LCD TV, food.. the works talaga)
11. People you can’t live without?
:: God and family.
12. What are your plans for tonight?
:: Dinner with hubby, his 2 college best friends and their wives - in short, another TNY dinner at Serendra.
13. Favorite song when you’re sleepy?
:: R&B, mga Voices of Theory, Keith Sweat, etc...
14. Do you love someone, right now?
:: Yes
15. Are you a giver or a taker?
:: I have always been a given even when I was still single. I was spoiled by my dad but time taught me to be mature in all my dealings.
16. If you could choose another name, what would it be?
:: Farah Romina is not a bad name ;)
18. Last text message from?
:: Cristina, my SME. She was asking how come she doesn't have an incentive for June.
20. Stuck on a desert island & could have only one KIND of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
:: Manang's papaitan :)
21. Favorite tv commercial/s?
:: Coca-Cola
22. If you were dead and your soul was given another chance, what would you do first?
:: Tell the people I love I love them and ask for forgiveness.
23. If you could choose your eye color,what color would you like to have?
:: I love the color of my eyes :)
24. What are the things you always bring?
:: cards, cash, hand sanitizer and my budget notebook!
1. Complete this phrase: “If only I could..”
:: …have more energy to do more tasks in one day
2. Did you get enough sleep last night?
:: Not really. Though I slept at 11 and wake up time this week is 6, I still feel I am lacking on sleep since I am training Lizzie not to wet her bed. I set the alarm clock thrice (1:30AM, 4:30AM and 6AM) to bring her to the bathroom to pee. She has been very obedient and cooperative about this project, in fairness to her :)
3. What were you doing before you slept last night?
:: I was at the wake of my husband's childhood friend. Passed by McDo for a bite (bawal daw dumerecho bahay pagkagaling sa patay sabi ng mga olds)
4. First thing you thought about this morning when you woke up?
:: Why was my boss calling me at 5 in the morning?!!?? Problema na naman??!!
5. Do you ever wonder why the sky is blue?
:: No. I dont actually think about things like that.
6. Did you ever try to skip meals?
:: I try not to. You see, I love eating. And eating loves me too.
7. Lights on or off?
:: Lights off! Sayang kuryente noh!
9. Are you afraid of the dark?
:: Sometimes
10. Favorite hangout/s?
:: Unbelievably, our favorite hang out is my in laws' room (full blast AC, LCD TV, food.. the works talaga)
11. People you can’t live without?
:: God and family.
12. What are your plans for tonight?
:: Dinner with hubby, his 2 college best friends and their wives - in short, another TNY dinner at Serendra.
13. Favorite song when you’re sleepy?
:: R&B, mga Voices of Theory, Keith Sweat, etc...
14. Do you love someone, right now?
:: Yes
15. Are you a giver or a taker?
:: I have always been a given even when I was still single. I was spoiled by my dad but time taught me to be mature in all my dealings.
16. If you could choose another name, what would it be?
:: Farah Romina is not a bad name ;)
18. Last text message from?
:: Cristina, my SME. She was asking how come she doesn't have an incentive for June.
20. Stuck on a desert island & could have only one KIND of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
:: Manang's papaitan :)
21. Favorite tv commercial/s?
:: Coca-Cola
22. If you were dead and your soul was given another chance, what would you do first?
:: Tell the people I love I love them and ask for forgiveness.
23. If you could choose your eye color,what color would you like to have?
:: I love the color of my eyes :)
24. What are the things you always bring?
:: cards, cash, hand sanitizer and my budget notebook!
UAAP update - the Dela Rosa style
UP Fighting Maroons - 1 win, 0 loss
UST Growling Tigers - 0 win, 1 loss
UST Growling Tigers - 0 win, 1 loss
fuss about phones
I have mentioned here that we got new phones each because of the amazing offer that Smart gave us. But because of the poor customer service that we were given during the first few weeks of our acquisition, I have been seriously contemplating on changing service providers and just paying out the remaining months in our contract. Currently, I am looking at three units and one of which is a Nokia N810. I specifically like this as this is the latest addition to Nokia's internet table line up. New features would mean new things to be busy about. We have been searching for shops that carries this unit and we will try again this weekend. I will let you know if it's really good as advertised.
on tables and keeping fit
Aside from the fact that my hubby has been so conscious about his weight and health, he has also regained his passion for sports. For those who don't know, he was once a varsity player for basketball in his high school and he later played for the UST growling tigers as a reserve. So to say that basketball is his love is an understatement. Recently, he saw beer pong tables in the net and he wants to order online right away. I talked him out of it first not because I don't want him to buy it but because I want us to learn how to play the sport first. We are in the process of familiarizing ourselves with it so in a few weeks, a pong table will be delivered to our doorstep. Can't wait!
tigers and maroons
After a painful 0-14 finish last season, my alma mater redeemed itself to the public as they upset the NU Bulldogs in yesterday's game. Winless no more indeed. It was a roller coaster ride watching the games as NU was on top speed during the first few minutes of the game. They were all dominant during the first quarter with an 11 point margin over us at 28-17.
But the maroons never let that affect them. They played maturely from the second quarter until the last minutes of the 4th. It was a sweet victory indeed as it took them a while to win a game. I myself have forgotten the feeling already.
However, it was not a good first game for my husband's alma mater. The UST grwoling tigers succumbed to the warrior's rampage during Saturday's ball game.
Go USTe!
But the maroons never let that affect them. They played maturely from the second quarter until the last minutes of the 4th. It was a sweet victory indeed as it took them a while to win a game. I myself have forgotten the feeling already.
However, it was not a good first game for my husband's alma mater. The UST grwoling tigers succumbed to the warrior's rampage during Saturday's ball game.
Go USTe!
fill in the blanks
1. I always wanted to be a successful woman -- moneyed, independent and smart.
2. I really hate it when people can't shut their mouths up.
3. My best friend is a girl named janet and i miss her like crazy.
4. In high school I experienced the best years of my life! Crazy, dandy, carefree!
5. My greatest fear is to be poor and for my kids not to get the best life they deserve.
6. My dream job is something that will give me so much money so I can shop for nice baby gifts and clothes and toys and everything that I want.
7. Some people really should be a little more sensitive towards their neighbors.
8. My favorite author is Nicholas Sparks.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
sowsyal momma!
Hangganda naman nitey! Will I get this once I have Santino? Hmmm...

Friday, July 4, 2008
audrey says...

"Pick the day. Enjoy it -- to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come . . . The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future."
lap attack

If I still have the energy for later, I might join him in the pool. But it still depends as I have been up since 2 this morning and I havent closed my eyes even for just a sec. Will post some photos soon!
interesting tag
Got this tag from Pat. Thanks girl!
This is very interesting and fun to do.
Have you ever gone on a blind date? Yes. The first date with my husband was a blind date! :)
Skipped school? Yup, during my college days
Been on a plane? Yup
Been lost? Nope. I have a very good sense of direction.
Swam in the ocean? Nope
Cried yourself to sleep? Yup
Played cops and robbers? With Lizzie now. She's the cop and I am the robber.
Played dolls? Yup. Barbie dolls.
Recently colored with crayons? Yup. With Lizzie.
Sang Karaoke? Nope
Paid for a meal with coins only? Yup. In college. Life was hard then.
Done something you said you wouldn't? Yup
Cheated on a test? yup!
Made prank phone calls? yup, when i was younger
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? yup! hahaha!
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? never experienced snow yet. But I will soon!
Danced in the rain? all the time when I was a kid.
Written a letter to Santa Claus? yup. Now i feel silly for doing that.
Watched the sunrise with someone you care about? Yeah, before.
Been kissed under the mistletoe? Yup.
Gone ice skating? yes
Been skinny dipping outdoors? Nope
Favorite drink I'm allowed on a regular basis? Coke but I'm trying to cut down
Tattoos? None. My husband has a lot though.
Body piercings? Just ears.
Vacation spot? Bali
Eaten cookies for dinner? Yup
Ever been on TV? yeah. Does being featured as face of the UAAP count? :)
Ever been in a car accident? Yes. I was 7 months on the way and it was a major accident talaga. Our car was rammed on the side (arthuz's) by a 14 wheeler truck.
Favorite number and why? 4. No explanation.
Favorite movie? GWTW
Favorite holiday? Christmas
Favorite smells? rain, crisp mornings and Lizzie
What do you do to relax? read, sleep, listen to music
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? woman of leisure and living on interest --> ditto to that! :)
Tagging you!
This is very interesting and fun to do.
Have you ever gone on a blind date? Yes. The first date with my husband was a blind date! :)
Skipped school? Yup, during my college days
Been on a plane? Yup
Been lost? Nope. I have a very good sense of direction.
Swam in the ocean? Nope
Cried yourself to sleep? Yup
Played cops and robbers? With Lizzie now. She's the cop and I am the robber.
Played dolls? Yup. Barbie dolls.
Recently colored with crayons? Yup. With Lizzie.
Sang Karaoke? Nope
Paid for a meal with coins only? Yup. In college. Life was hard then.
Done something you said you wouldn't? Yup
Cheated on a test? yup!
Made prank phone calls? yup, when i was younger
Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose? yup! hahaha!
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? never experienced snow yet. But I will soon!
Danced in the rain? all the time when I was a kid.
Written a letter to Santa Claus? yup. Now i feel silly for doing that.
Watched the sunrise with someone you care about? Yeah, before.
Been kissed under the mistletoe? Yup.
Gone ice skating? yes
Been skinny dipping outdoors? Nope
Favorite drink I'm allowed on a regular basis? Coke but I'm trying to cut down
Tattoos? None. My husband has a lot though.
Body piercings? Just ears.
Vacation spot? Bali
Eaten cookies for dinner? Yup
Ever been on TV? yeah. Does being featured as face of the UAAP count? :)
Ever been in a car accident? Yes. I was 7 months on the way and it was a major accident talaga. Our car was rammed on the side (arthuz's) by a 14 wheeler truck.
Favorite number and why? 4. No explanation.
Favorite movie? GWTW
Favorite holiday? Christmas
Favorite smells? rain, crisp mornings and Lizzie
What do you do to relax? read, sleep, listen to music
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? woman of leisure and living on interest --> ditto to that! :)
Tagging you!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
wordless wednesday - a seafood chef
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