Thursday, November 19, 2009
toys for the big boys
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
christmas rush
Monday, November 9, 2009
it's a boy!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Saturday 9
1. When’s the last time you ran?
+ Before I got pregnant, so that was about 6 months ago.
2. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
+ None. I always go for the classics.
3. What are you dreading right now?
+ The rain! We have another typhoon coming :(
4. Do you like Mexican food?
+ Yup. I love specially taco’s and their mexican spicy rice!
5. Favorite ice cream?
+ Basken and Robbins, Royce and Hagen Daaz
6. When was your last doctor’s visit?
+ Less than a month ago, OB check up.
7. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
+ I try to. Especially now that I am pregnant.
8. How many pets do you have?
+ None/ All our pets are with my in laws.
9. “First Loves Are Never Over;” is this true for you?
+ Nope. I have long buried the memories of my first love...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
heavent sent!
rare coins
aftermath of ondoy
Saturday, August 29, 2009
health is wealth
Saturday 6: I Ran
2. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? Nope. I want them neat.
3. What are you dreading right now? Monday coz it's back to work again.
4. Do you like Mexican food? Not much.
5. Favorite ice cream? Strawberry.
6. When was your last doctor's visit? Almost a month ago. Regular pre-natal check up.
7. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night? I try to. But 7 hours is fine.
8. How many pets do you have? None.
9. "First Loves Are Never Over;" is this true for you? Nope.
paintball marker package
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
my sunshine
Ain't she charming?
Sunday Stealing: The Heretic Meme
My husband.
2. Where was the last place you went out to eat?
King of Persia.
3. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed?
I forgot already. It has been years.
4. Which do you prefer – eyes or lips?
5. Medicine, fine arts, or law?
6. Best kind of pizza?
7. What is in store for your future?
Something really bright.
8. Who was the last band you saw live?
Side A, eons ago.
9. Do you take care of your friends while they are sick?
Yes, if I have to. I would go out of my way and buy them Naot sandals just so they will get well.
10. How many songs are on your iPod?
I think around more than 1000 but less than 1500 – I am not really sure. My hubby updates it for me.
11. Where is the last place you drove to?
12. Where did your last kiss take place?
In the car
13. What were you doing at 11:59 PM on Monday night?
Probably sleeping already.
14. Are you a quitter?
No. I’m a born fighter.
15. Who was the last person you had in your house?
We don't get that much visitors.
15. What do you think about people who party a lot?
Whatever rocks their boat.
16. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
No, I am way past that.
17. What was the last CD you purchased?
GnR, Incubus, Metallica - all for hubby!
18. What are two bands or singers that you will always love?
U2 and Incubus
19. Which of the seven deadly sins are you guilty of?
20. How is your last ex doing?
Doing good perhaps? Not really sure. I have no contact with him anymore...
destination weddings
Saturday 6: Taste
+ Mango Bravo from Conti's!
2. You’re craving something salty: what food is most likely to come to mind?
+ Mango with salt.
3. Which kind of taste do you prefer: sour or bitter?
+ Sour.
4. Of these flavor types: sweet, salty, bitter or sour, which do you have the most of in your home right now?
+ Sweets! We all love munching on sweets at home. After getting the insurance quote from our agent, we passed by the grocery to get some more sweets for the house.
5. Considering your answers to the first two questions, which one have you most recently eaten?
+ Mangos!
6. Take the quiz: What Taste Are You?
+ You Are Sweet
You are easy going and pleasant. You are always happy and upbeat.
No wonder you’re so popular. There’s nothing to dislike about you.
You are both likable and lovable. In fact, some people feel very passionately about you.
You are simply bliss inducing. You remind people to take time and enjoy life.
worker's aid
one great ride
It has been a great ride with you, Anton... Although this is going to be hard and painful, I will strive to move on. I will rest in the thought that you're just there watching and smiling and always wishing me well.
Sleep now, my friend. The sun is up...
stop snoring
Allegro’s flagship website, offers 55,000 products, under 50 categories and hundreds of sub-categories. Shop by Category. Shop by Brand. Shop by Condition.
Friday, August 7, 2009
health is wealth
Now, that I am older. I am still fond of sweets but feel that cotton candy is too much for my body. Imagine all the sugar that you take everytime you eat a pop? Delicious but really health-threatening hahaha! I still want to leave and buy the gorgeous camcorders that I have seen in the mall!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
something about me
What’s the first thing you do?During weekdays: Take a 30 minute bath. I have yet to try our new Capresso coffee maker after I give birth. On weekends: Sleep in!
Breakfast? Now that I am heavy with my second baby, I need to.
Do you go to work/school? Work, unfortunately =).
Do you like it? I like the perks that come with it
If you stay at home, what do you do all day?Sleep. Eat. Surf. Play with Lizzie. Supervise the house. Watch TV.
When’s lunch and what you eatin’? 12 noon. Anything I feel like eating. For lunch today, I had chicken inasal. Yum!
What time do you get home from work/school? 6pm.
What do you do?Let’s be a bit specific, shall we? at work - boss around; at home - boss around hehehe =)
Dinner: When and what? 8pm. Anything that I want to eat.
What do you do to unwind? Read a good book.
What’s your favorite part of the day? Mornings.
Who’s your favorite person to interact with? Arthuz.
When’s bedtime?on the average, 10PM.
Who’s bedtime with? Arthuz. Lizzie has her own place to sleep in.
Words Women Use
15 MINUTES - If she’s getting dressed, this means half an hour.
NOTHING - This is the calm before the storm. This means something and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in FINE.
A “LOUD SIGH” - This means she thinks you’re an idiot and wonders why she’s wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing.
THAT’S OK - This means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistakes
Got this from Kelly and can't help but say -- so true!!!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Happy weekend loves!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
stock options
Although I am not really adept in how it works, I know a little about stock options because of my readings and researches in college. I am aware that one should know what market to invest his money so he will be sure of a high return on investment. Power Options is the software that does entire job – it gathers data and makes comparisons and reports on the best stock options trading to invest to. That way, one will be sure that he will be investing his money on a good market that will give him a good return on investment.
Very interesting right?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
perfect give aways
Saturday, July 4, 2009
up on the wall
I hope my doctor gives me a clean bill of health soon so I can go back to work (which I miss really much!) and resume my normal lifestyle.
saturday 9 - i want you back
*I was at the office and I just got an SMS from my husband. You see, we are both fans of MJ.
2. How do you think that he will be remembered?
*He will be remembered as a pop icon and a music legend.
3. What was your favorite Jackson tune?
*I just can't stop loving you.
4. Did you watch the original Charlie’s Angels?
*No, but my mom did. I only watched the remake.
5. Did someone you know have that poster of Farrah?
*My mom. She was a loyal fan. She got my name from Farrah Fawcett.
6. Did you consider her battle with cancer heroic?
7. Were you a fan of The Tonight Show Starring Johnnie Carson?
* Nope but I have heard of him
8. Did you like Ed McMahon on the show?
*Not much
9. What else will you remember McMahon for?
*I don't really know much about him...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Six at Wednesday
1. How often do you visit a coffee shop? If you do, do you drink coffee there, or just pick it up to go?
+ Everyday because of work
2. What is the latest time of day you can drink regular coffee (or tea) without messing up your sleep?
+ Hmm..It is every time my work starts. I need my caffeine fix
3. What is the highest number of cups of coffee (or tea) you’ve had in a single day?
+ Maybe 3?
4. Take the quiz: What flavor of latte are you?
+ You Are a Hazelnut Latte
You often having the craving for something exotic. You get bored easily.
You are a true adventurer. Nothing makes you happier than traveling.
You’re a very cosmopolitan and worldly person. You have sophisticated tastes.
You have a keen attention to detail. Little things matter to you - you are a bit of a perfectionist.
5. Consider the highest price you’ve ever paid for a cup of coffee and the highest price you’ve paid for a gallon of gas: which of the two items was more expensive?
+ Gas most definitely!
6. What is your favorite holiday-flavored coffee?
+ Peppermint Mocha!
Join, Here.
Your Down Time
1. Do you have any hobbies? If so, what are they? If not, what do you do with your down time?
+ Reading, Eating, a Little Cooking and a LOT of sleeping
2. What do you like to do for fun?
+ hang out with my family,. go on trips if we have extra money
3. Do you go out much? Where do you like to go? What kinds of things do you like to do?
+ We love to go to the beach. But since it rains a lot these days, we go to the mall!
I Want Wednesday
This weeks question is:
What do you want to do with a little extra cash?
+ I’d save 10 or 20% of it first, then treat my man and the princess to a nice lunch/dinner and go shopping.
What else do you want this week? Feel free to share it all.
+ I want to be able to rest and relax and be able to get out of the hospital! I have been here since Sunday! Please pray for me!
Happy days!
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
How to Talk with Young Children
Thanks Yen!
1. It’s important to keep language clear and simple. Make sure to avoid words that have dual meanings or are not common usage.
2. It’s helpful to pay attention to children when they speak but avoid trying to focus on several conversations at once.
3. Use words and questions that encourage children to converse. It’s important to engage a child. Remember to avoid ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. For example, try “tell me more” or “what else happened?”
4. Stay positive. Use ‘do’ more than ‘don’t’. Phrase requests to communicate the desired behavior. For example, ‘you can use these bean bags for throwing practice’ rather than ‘don’t throw the toys.’
5. When communicating with young children, position yourself at the child’s eye level. Putting yourself at the child’s level communicates respect and helps you to hold the child’s attention.
6. Wait for responses to questions before moving the conversation on. Children need a few minutes to formula responses to questions. Remember, true conversations are two-sided.
7. Make sure to model polite conversation. It’s important to use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ routinely. Children learn a lot through their observations of your conversation style.
8. Encourage dialogue by talking with children and not to them. While talking with children, ask questions, show interest, and comment on the child’s responses. However, be careful about the amount of time you spend giving directions or engaging in one way, directive communication.
9. When speaking with a child, never use unkind words. Any words or phrases that imply ridicule, shaming, name calling, teasing or belittling are not appropriate.
10. Show enthusiasm and enjoyment in conversations. It’s helpful to show children you enjoy talking with them by laughing, smiling and even joking with children. Always remember, when you have fun, the children will have fun, too.
Quotes v.2
Got these all from Aggie :)
"Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
"A bad habit never disappears miraculously; it’s an undo-it-yourself project."
"Smart people spend time alone. They don’t fill their days with appointments from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., as many politicians and executives do. Great science does not emerge from hard logic and grinding hours. It comes from activities like chopping wood and raking leaves, preparing dinner and reading to the kids. These activities soften the rigid pace of the day’s pursuits and allow all our God-given intuition to work its unlogical magic. Only then can we reach our fullest potentials. Only then can we leap from thinking to understanding."
"Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head. You’ll find what you need to furnish it–memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things. That way it will go with you wherever you journey."
Caribbean Dreaming
Sounds divine doesnt it?
"Don’t over-analyze your marriage; it’s like yanking up a fragile indoor plant every 20 minutes to see how the roots are growing. "
The Bill Ballance Hip Handbook
“The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future finer than it will be.”
“I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.”
“We need not be rich to be generous, nor have all wisdom to be understanding.
Our influence may not be great, but it can be good.
Our speech may not be eloquent, but it can be truthful and sincere. We cannot all have good looks, but we can have good conscience, and having that, we shall have peace of mind and need fear no man.”
How to instill the spirit of giving to kids
Thanks Yen!
1. Lead by example. Serve as a role model by volunteering at your child’s school or engaging them in frequent conversation about community service. Explain the benefits of community service to your child and help them understand social responsibility and diversity in their communities.
2. Involve your child in selecting a project or cause in which to participate. There are a variety of resources to help you and your child become involved in your community. Check with your child’s school for any community service activities.
3. Consider a developmentally appropriate cause based on your child’s interest and skill level. There are a variety of ways your child can donate his or her time. For instance, several Arts & Crafts charities give your child an opportunity to paint, create cuddly dolls and bags for sick children.
4. Prepare you child for the experience by asking questions, providing options and listening to their needs and wants.
5. Praise their efforts and talk about your volunteer experience once it is complete. It’s helpful to ask your child what he or she learned from the experience. Ask your child if he or she had fun helping. Communication is key.
6. Start small. Recycling at home is a great way to incorporate community service into your daily or weekly routine. Show your child which items to recycle and teach them about how it helps the community.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
the city that never sleeps
You Are City |
![]() You prefer big lights and big dreams over the slow paced life of the country. You crave excitement, and the city has many opportunities for you. While you appreciate the peace and quiet of the country, it's a little too quiet. You need lots people, culture, and action to feel truly alive. |
discount designer jewelry
It's not as if I don't want her to have these things. I also have a daughter and soon, she will also love to collect jewelries and fashion accessories. What I don't want them to do is to make these material stuff center of their lives. For this is not the important things in life. There's more to that!
Personal Faves
+ Purple and Pink.
2. What is your favorite kind of clothing to wear? Why? What’s your least favorite?
+ Something classic - crisp white tops, khaki pants/shors/minis, flip flops or wedges
3. Do you like to take showers or baths? Why/why not?
+ I love long baths.
Your Glamour Icon Is Sultry |
![]() Beauty is nothing other than the promise of happiness. |
WOW! I never knew this was the case. Hmm maybe I should take this test again and see what happens next! LOL. I wonder how the husband will react to this. I don't even dress the part. Maybe seductive should be the term? I dont know. Is it obvious I am in denial here?! Hahaha!
gold bullion
I wouldn't think twice as well of entrusting these metals to them since they are known to have dedicated staff of hard asset professionals committed to serving your precious metals investment needs and being America’s best dealer with a convenient market and competitive precious metals prices.
class or trash?
You Are Classy |
![]() You are well mannered at all occasions. You believe in taking the higher road. You treat people with kindness and respect. You think before you speak or act. You know how to charm people and put them at ease. It's all about the right words or gestures. By having class, you make others feel more comfortable around you. |
I am a morning person so I make sure most of my tasks are done in the morning.
2. When there are bad thunderstorms outside, how much does this affect your ability to get things done?
I do not let these things affect me.
3. If you could set your own work schedule, would you go in earlier in the morning or later in the day?
I would rather go in earlier in the morning.
4. If you had the chance to work four ten-hour days and have a three-day weekend, would you prefer that over a traditional five-day workweek?
Yeah, Ill take that option!
5. Take the quiz: Are You Dusk or Dawn?
You Are Dawn |
![]() You are a naturally energetic and optimistic person. You can't wait to start each day. You hate to waste any time, and you jump out of bed in the morning ready to face the world. You enjoy working and have a fulfilling career. For you, nothing feels better than the sweet victory success. You are goal oriented and successful in every aspect of your life. You're universally ambitious. |
By the shoreline :)
unique personalized wedding favors
My husband and I have been hands on with the preparation leading to our wedding. From the gown to the caterers to the flowers and even to the unique personalized wedding favors that we gave away, we did ourselves. From the research to the canvassing to the purchasing. That was what made it more meaningful and special.
We might not have had the most colorful and glamorous wedding, but for me, it was the best...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
bag a holic
1. Last beverage --> Hot choco
2. Last phone call --> Owen Contemplado
3. Last text message --> Red Villaret
4. Last song you listened to --> Tamia - So into you
5. Last thought before you slept last night -- > It was a nice date with hubby and little girl.
6. Last time you cried --> This morning, in church while praying for the people who has deeply hurt me =(
7. Dated someone twice --> Oh of course!
8. Been cheated on? -- > Yea. Just a few times. ;)
9. Kissed someone & regretted it? -- > Yeah, big time.
10. Lost someone special? -- > Yes
11. Been depressed? -- > Yes
12. Been drunk and threw up? -- > Back in my younger years, once.
13. Violet
14. Yellow
15. Pink
16. Orange
17. Made new friends? -- > Yep!
18. Laughed until you cried --> You bet!
19. Met someone who changed you --> I sure did.
20. Found out who your true friends were --> Eversince, I already know who my real friends are and I keep them close to my heart. They know who they are! ;)
21. Found out someone was talking about you --> For all I care. That's what I learned from my husband. To not care at all.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life --> All of them. I don't add people I don't personally know.
23. How many kids do you want to have --> Just 2. I have 1 now, and another coming in '10.
24. Do you have any pets --> Bob, my pet pug.
25. Do you want to change your name --> I love my name and the story behind it.
26. What did you do for your 16th birthday --> I was still in highschool and my dad threw a sweet sixteen party for me and my senior friends =)
27. What time did you wake up today --> 9AM. We sleep in on sundays (if I don't have work). I have to wake up at 9 to prepare breakfast and get us all dressed for the 1030 mass.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night? -- > Watching some TV with hubby.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for --> Our own home.
30. When was the last time you saw your dad --> More than a year ago. Incidentally, today is his 56th birthday so Happy Birthday Dad. I love you to bits!
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life --> I wish I was more artsy.
32. What are you listening to right now --> Tori Amos - Sleeps with butterflies
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom --> Yeah when I was a little. I had an uncle named Tom.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? --> I am steady eddie.
35. Most visited webpage --> my site.
36. What's your name --> Farah Romina
37. Nicknames --> Farah, Farfar, Fars, Be to my parents, Neng to my in laws, Mama to my 2 precious ones
38. Relationship Status --> Happily Married.
39. Zodiac sign --> Aquarius
40. Elementary --> Colegio de Sta Isabel in Naga City
41. Middle School --> Colegio de Sta Isabel in Naga City
42. High school ---> Colegio de Sta Isabel in Naga City
43. Hair color ---> Jet Black (talaga!)
44. Long or short --> Long
45. Height --> 5'4"
46. Do you have a crush on someone? --> John Estrada only because he looks like my husband
47. Piercings --> 2
48. Tattoos --> None
49. Righty or lefty --> ambidextrose
50. Scare you -- > Death. Poverty and Rats.
51. You don’t understand -- > Treachery
52. You hate -- > Lies. Loudness. Bad driving.
53. You want to do before you die -- > Travel all over the world. Stop to smell the flowers.
54. One should listen to -- > Reggae music.
55. One should never listen to -- > False preachings.
56. First surgery -->My C-section almost 4 years ago.
57. First piercing --> Ears
58. First best friends --> Erlene Bonita
59. First sport you joined --> Gymnastics in first grade. My mom wanted to be the next Mary Lou Retton hahaha!
60. First pet --> A dog
61. First vacation --> Baguio City
62. First live concert --> UP Sunken Garden - Side A
63. First crush --> Papoy Saltarin (wherever he is, God bless him)
64. Eating --> Lizzie's softbatch cookies
65. Drinking --> Mango Juice
66. I'm about to --> prepare our things because we are going to my in laws' place for lunch then attend a party in Makati after.
67. Listening to --> Tori Amos - Sleeps with Butterflies
68. Waiting for --> Lizzie to come up. She's playing with her yaya in the sala.
69. Want a family? -- > I have one. And I am one of the lucky few. Thank God.
70. Where do you see yourself settling? -- > Somewhere in the East.
71. Careers in mind? -- > I want to be successful as a mom and a wife. To me, that's what matters. My husband can take care of the financial side =)
72. Lips or eyes --> eyes. He has the best pair.
73. Hugs or kisses --> hugs. and wet kisses weet weet! :)
74. Shorter or taller --> Taller of course.
75. Older or Younger --> Doesn’t matter.
76. Romantic or spontaneous --> Spontaneous and romantic!
77. Sensitive or loud --> Sensitive
78. Hook-up or relationship --> Relationship
79. Trouble maker or hesitant --> Neither
80. Kissed a stranger --> I haven't.
81. Drank hard liquor --> I prefer hard liquor than beer.
82. Lost glasses/contacts --> All the time!
83. Sex on first date --> NO.
84. Broken someone's heart --> Yeah. A few times I guess.
85. Had your own heart broken --> A few times also.
86. Been arrested --> Nope
87. Cried when someone died --> Yes.
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? --> Yeah, in high school. It was the IN thing. So that explains why I never had a BF then. I met my first ever BF in college. We were both freshmen. Hahaha!
89. Yourself --> Of course.
90. Miracles --> I've seen a lot of it, yes.
91. Love at first sight --> Yes too.
92. Heaven --> Yes
93. Hell --> Yes
94. Santa Claus --> No. And Lizzie will grow up not believing in one.
95. Evolution --> Not entirely
96. God --> Absolutely.
97. Angels --> They’re everywhere. You feel them.
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? -- > Nope. I am so into my special someone so thinking of fooling around is so not me.
99. Do you miss anyone? -- > My dad..
100. Are you glad this survey is over?-- > Finally! Hehe =)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
sad cousin
female survey
Does your password have to do with a boy? Not anymore. It has something to do with a girl this time ;)
What’s one thing a guy can do to make you like them? Wits and Humor.
Are you a girly girl? I am somewhere in between but often leaning on the guy side, blame it on my UP influence.
Small or big purses? Big!!
Do you stay friends with your ex’s? I don't think I am friends with anyone of them. Haven't seen them in a while...
Did you dress up on Halloween? Yes.
Do you call anybody by their last name? Yeah. When I curse and Im mad. I call my husband Dela Rosa!
Do you wear makeup? A little at work, absolutely none on weekends.
Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth? Of course.
Have you ever cooked food for a guy? All the time!
Have you ever been called a bad influence? Fortunately not.
Have you ever broken a guy’s heart? Yeah.
American Eagle or Hollister? Hollister
Flats or Heels? Flats, lately.
Skirts or jeans? Jeans.
Socks or leggings? Leggings.
Heels or sneakers? Sneakers
Straight or curly hair? Straight of course. Love you own!
Hoops or dangling earrings? hooplah
Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes.
Do you prefer light or dark haired guys? Dark-haired guys.
Do you have a best friend? Of course, who doesnt?
What do you think about the person you like? Marvelous!
Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery? Nah.
Do you like your life? Asofreakinlutely!
Ever walked into the guy’s bathroom? Nope.
Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on? Yes.
Have you ever slapped a boy in the face? Yeah.
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Yes.
Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind? Yes.
Do you ever wish you were famous? Fame will never equate to happiness =)
Cowboy or gangsta? Cowboy
Preppy or Punk/Goth? Preppy.
Well educated or Dropout? Well educated.
Contacts or Glasses? Contacts.
Funny or Serious? Funny.
Romantic or Daredevil? A mix of both.
Cute or Hot? Cute during the day, hot during the night lol! -LOLOL!
Long or short hair? Short.
Smoker or nonsmoker? Nonsmoker.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
jack of all trades
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
rock and roll!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
my pretty girl
Now, back to my research on Rimadyl.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
gold investing
Snagged from Babs.
Your Partner: is half asleep. He wants to finish the basketball game on TV but is so tired to do so. I got very strict instructions not to turn off the TV until the game is over.
Your Hair: is one of my greates assets and I am loving it now that its long.
Your Mother: is the most selfless woman in the world!
Your Father: can't say no to me.
Your Favorite Item: my stila lipstick and smashbox blush.
Your Dream Last Night: secret.
Your Favorite Drink: H2O.
Your Dream Car: a pink bentley
Dream Home: in the works
The Room You Are In: bedroom
Your Fear: poverty and death of loved ones
Where You Want to be in Ten Years: still here but more stable.
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: our friends because it was Pboy's birthday and he threw a party at his place.
You’re Not: the best but I will always be perfect in my daughter's eyes.
One of Your Wish List Items: a macbook. soon.
The Last Thing You Did: watched the match between Pacman and Hitman
You Are Wearing: a pink lingerie.
Your Favorite Weather: rainy?
Your Favorite Book: Gone with the wind.
Last Thing You Ate: chicken inasal and soup.
Your Life: chill.
Your Mood: hopeful.
Your Best Friend: is the extension of my life.
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: i need to sleep.
Your Car: a grey Innova and a white Ford Everest.
What Are You Doing At The Moment: Finishing my blogging tasks.
Relationship Status: Very Much Married! =)
Do You Know your Hubby?
Snagged from Babs!
1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the tv?
Basketball TV
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
Thousand Island.
3. What's one food he doesn't like?
rice cake and any sweet filipino delicacy
4. You go out to eat and have a drink; what does he order?
Jack Daniels and steak
5. Where did he go to high School?
6. What size shoe does he wear?
Size 11
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
watches, basketball shoes and statement shirts
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
anything that has a lot of grease in it!
9. What would he eat every day if he could?
10. What is his favorite cereal?
he doesnt want that.
11. What would he never wear?
a nike shirt with adidas shoes. he is OC like that.
12. What is his favorite sports team?
The Duke New Devils
13. Who did he vote for?
14. Who is his best friend?
JP, Mark and Aldwin.
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
being such a bitch at times.
16. What is his heritage?
Purong Pinoy!
17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake?
Mango cake :)
18. Did he play sports in high school?
He was the best basketball player in his high school during his time.
19. What could he spend hours doing?
playing NBA live in PS, playing basketball and cuddling with me Woot Woot!
20. What is one unique talent he has?
read an entire book in an hour. he is voracious like that!
cervical collars
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
ready to go!
Gucci or LV?
Please help me decide...
prayer for happiness
With beauty behind me, may I walk.
With beauty above me, may I walk.
With beauty below me, may I walk.
With beauty all around me, may I walk.
(part of a Navajo prayer)
facebooker :)
You Are Facebook |
![]() You are social, outgoing, and excited to connect to your friends. You are interested in your friends' lives, and you enjoy adding your opinion to the mix. While you enjoy sharing online, you don't want everyone to know your business. You value your privacy. Your life is an open book to those you know but not to strangers. |
Sunday, April 26, 2009
love thy neighbors
very busy
Thursday, April 23, 2009
random random!
Sometimes I miss being in school. I miss the care free, responsibility free feel!
2. Have you ever had a pet fish?
Yes, he died.
3. Plans for tomorrow?
Go to mass, work, go to the mall, sleep late.
4. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed?
vodka red bull
5. Do you say sorry first?
it really depends.
6. Would you honestly say you’d risk your life for someone else?
For my family, yes.
7. When’s the last time you had a headache?
Today. This is because of my eyes. Huhuhu..
8. Ever made a cake by yourself?
When I was a kid, yes.
9. What was the last type of fruit you ate?
10. What are you thinking about right now?
What the maid prepared for lunch!
food loving me
My parents' grand vacay!
2. Where’s the last place you went besides home?
Office whereelse?
3. Would you ever change for a boy/girl?
No. Not at all.
4. Is there anyone that you wish was out of your life?
Yeah kinda ;)
5. Were you happy when you woke up today?
Yes. But I am caught up in a dilemma.
6. Happiest moment of 2009 so far?
Hmmmmm. Lizzie being accepted in AA.
7. Have you ever asked a boy for advice?
8. Do you have a gay friend?
Yes. A lot!
9. Do you lie about your age?
No. They just don't believe me though.
10. Describe your life for the past month in one word?
Rollercoaster of emotions!
the rain doesn't stop
Come again another day
Little Lizzie wants to play
Rain rain go away!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
wakeboarding is fun
This is CWC, the premiere wakeboarding site in the whole of Philippines. To say that I am very proud about how our incumbent governor promoted our province in terms of tourism is an understatement. When we visited the place, I could already sense another Boracay in the works. People troop to the place to either try the sport or just witness the beauty that this has to offer. My kid and her cousins enjoyed swimming in the pool while us adults just spent the rest of the day chatting under their cabanas and tiki huts. I am definitely going back there soon!
Now, back to my research on the best appetite suppressants. Any suggestions?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
on packing and road trips
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Yen's QOTW

1. How’s the week going on so far?
>>>Great. Though I am still waiting for that important phone call. Hay, it is killing me...
2. Would you rather love or be loved?
>>>Loving should always be both ways.
3. How do you feel when you hear a friend completely butchering a story?
>>>Toink. I immediately change the topic.
4. If you could have a recorder which would make a DVD or video tape of your dreams, would you use it?
>>>That would be awesome!
5. Have you ever had a dream about being a place you’ve never been, and days or years later, you end up there?
>>>That's Deja Vu for you!
6. Do you sit at your computer and eat snacks and have refreshments to drink?
>>>I don't.
7. Which is more true: everything matters or nothing matters?
>>>The former.
8. What was the last thing you gave up on?
>>>Nothing yet but I am about to. I am giving myself til the end of March.
9. Can the love of a person really make you change?
>>>Yes. I trully believe in that.
10. Any plans for the weekend yet?
>>>I have work so none. Oh perhaps, dinner at Crowne Plaza with my family.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Yen's QOTW
Sometimes. But I am more of the serious type.
2. What have you changed your mind about in the past few weeks?
My feelings toward some people at work. I have realized that life is too short to hold a lot of grudges in my heart. For now, I take it one day at a time. Whatever God provides will be appreciated.
3. Do you find yourself in a better mood on a sunny day?
I dunno but I have this better feeling after the rain. I love the smell of after rain.
4. When meeting someone new, what makes you feel more comfortable?
If we have the same taste in things.
5. If you could be any god or goddess from mythology, who would you be? & why?
Venus, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to find out why LOL
6. How do you spend the night before a “big” day?
I stay up late.
7. Describe the person that would be the exact opposite of what you find attractive.
Can't think of anyone right now. I am too preoccupied with the barcode scanner that I am being asked to scout for our store.
8. I would be a happier person if…
I get that very important phone call soon...
9. Have you ever regretted?
Yes, a few times but I try not to think about it too much.
10. I seldom _______ without a _______ in my _______.
I seldom leave without a prayer in my pocket.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
phone call
I am waiting for a phone call and it is killing me, literally. I hope I get that call now so I can take it from there.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
wedding flowers
What a woman should have
enough money within her control to move out,
rent a place of her own,
even if she never wants to or needs to...
something perfect to wear whether the employer,
or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...
a past juicy enough that she's looking forward to
re-telling it in her old age....
one friend who always makes her laugh...and one who lets her cry...
(I'm lucky to have a lot )
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems,
and a recipe for a meal,
that will make her guests feel honored...
a feeling of control over her destiny....
how to fall in love without losing herself...
how to quit a job,
break up with a lover,
and confront a friend without;
ruining the friendship...
when to try harder...and WHEN TO WALK AWAY...
that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents..
that her childhood may not have been perfect...but its over...
what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
how to live alone...even if she doesn't like it...
whom she can trust, whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't take it personally...
where to go..
be it to her best friend's kitchen table...
or a charming inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...
what she can and can't accomplish in a day...
a month...and a year...
Mr. Kaleidoscope World
Cold summer nights since you walked out that door
Cold summer nights… oh, here on my own
Coz I miss you baby, I need you here
Rest in Peace, Man from Manila.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
bridesmaid gifts
10 Hows
How did you celebrate your last birthday? I just had dinner with my in laws and husband at a hotel in Ortigas.
How are you feeling at this moment? Sleepy and tired. I have to be in bed by 9pm.
How did your night go last night? Quiet. Cold but my husband kept me warm.
How did you do in high school? Better than average
How did you get the shirt you're wearing? Hand-me-down from my mom.
How often do you see your best friend? Once in a blue moon. Which reminds me, I have to set up another lunch or dinner date with her so we can talk about our plans of putting up a wholesale clothing business. Exciting, isn't it?
How much money did you spend last month? Not much. I was in a "stop spending" mode last month.
How old do you want to be when you get married? I got married at 27:)
1. Are you Available? I am already spoken for, thank you.
2. What is your Age? Just turned 31.
4. Do you live in a Big house? Half of a duplex, 2 rooms. Very cozy.
5. When is your Birthday? January.
6. What’s your favorite Chocolate? Maltesers, Snickers and Mars!
7. Do you Daydream? A lot especially when I really want to achieve something.
8. What’s your favorite kind of Dog? Pugs and Chihuahuas!
9. What Day of the week is it? Thursday!
10. Have you ever been in the Emergency room? Yes, just last January when my daughter suffered from dehydration.
11. Did you have a crush that starts with letter E? None.
12. Favorite Flower? Red roses and Tulips from Holland.
13. Do you chew Gum? Very seldom.
14. Are you a Giver or a taker? Always a giver, sometimes a taker.
15. What’s your Height? 5’4”.
16. What color is your Hair? Jet Black
17. What’s your favorite flavor of Ice cream? Strawberry!
18. Have you ever Ice skated? Yeah.
19. Do you play an Instrument? Piano and my dad taught me how to play the guitars when I was about 10.
20. Have you ever heard a really hilarious Joke? I love jokes!
21. Do you wear Jewelry? Yes
22. Do you want Kids? Super.
23. Where did you go for Kindergarten? The same school where I went til my 10th grade.
24. Have you ever Lied to your parents? All the time when I was younger. Not anymore now.
25. Last Movie you watched? Shopaholic.
26. Do you still watch Disney Movies? YES.
27. Do you like Mangoes? with bagoon!
28. Do you have a Nickname? Fars, Farfar, Far, Ma, Be, Neng :)
29. What’s your favorite Number? 4, 11 and 17
30. Do you prefer Night over day? I love crisp mornings.
31. Whats your One wish? Stability
32. What is one fear you are most Paranoid about? Poverty!
33. Are you Quick (to) judge people? I avoid judging.
34. Do you watch Reality TV? Yes.
35. Do you prefer Sun or rain? Sun.
36. Do you like Snow? I havent seen one.
37. What Time is it? 6.42PM
38. What Time did you wake up? 5AM.
39. What’s the worst Veggie? None, I love veggies.
40. Where do you want to go on Vacation? US.
41. Will you go back to the past? Which part?
42. Have you ever had an X-ray? Yes.
43. Do you own a Xylophone? used to.
44. Do you like the color Yellow? My bestfriend does.
45. What Year were you born in? 1978
46. Whats your Zodiac sign? Aquarius
47. Do you believe in ZODIACS? depends.
Now back to my research on stereo cabinet. Good evening everyone!
gym buff
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Dearest Lord
teach me to serve you as I should,
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labour and ask not for reward,
save that of knowing that I do your most holy will.
jesuit - st. ignatius loyola - 16th century
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Yen's QOTW
>> Call me a masochist but I always want to know the bad news first =)
2. Do you remember compliments more than rude remarks or vice versa?
>> I do not easily forget rude remarks. Compliments come and go but rude remarks leave a mark on me.
3. The main difference between you and your best friend is …
>> She is still single LOL
4. Have you ever given someone a fake phone number, just to get rid of them?
>> All the time!
5. Do you find that there’s too much choice in your life?
>> On the contrary, I am in that stage wherein I feel as if the choices are becoming fewer. And it makes me feel bad.
6. How would you describe your temper?
>> It's how you react on things/scenarios/situations.
7. Are you more likely to exaggerate or downplay your troubles?
>> I try to downplay as much as possible.
8. List 3 people-real or fictional, living or dead, famous or personal friends-whom you respect and admire, and why.
>> Audrey Hepburn, Mother Teresa, My mom, My mother in law (sorry there's 4 of them!)
9. Can you draw?
>> Sticks, yes.
10. What do you need to work on?
>> This goal that I really want to achieve in the next 12 months. Seriously.
Finally, this survey is done. Now, back to my research on Torgoen watches.
a lovestory
Sirach 6: 14-17
One day, I woke early in the morning to watch the sunrise. Ah the beauty of God's creation is beyond description. As I watched, I praised God for His beautiful work. As I sat there, I felt the Lord's presence with me.
He asked me, "Do you love me?"
I answered, "Of course, God! You are my Lord and Saviour!"
Then He asked, "If you were physically handicapped, would you still love me?"
I was perplexed. I looked down upon my arms, legs and the rest of my body and wondered how many things I wouldn't; be able to do, the things that I took for granted.
And I answered, "It would be tough Lord, but I would still love You."
Then the Lord said, "If you were blind, would you still love my creation?" How could I love something without being able to see it? Then I thought of all the blind people in the world and how many of them still loved God and His creation.
So I answered, "Its hard to think of it, but I would still love you."
The Lord then asked me, "If you were deaf, would you still listen to my word?" How could I listen to anything being deaf?
Then I understood. Listening to God's Word is not merely using our ears, but our hearts.
I answered, "It would be tough, but I would still listen to Your word."
The Lord then asked, "If you were mute, would you still praise My Name?"
How could I praise without a voice? Then it occurred to me: God wants us to sing from our very heart and soul. It never matters what we sound like. And praising God is not always with a song, but when we are persecuted, we give God praise with our words of thanks.
So I answered, "Though I could not physically sing, I would still praise Your Name."
And the Lord asked, "Do you really love Me?"
With courage and a strong conviction, I answered boldly, "Yes Lord! I love You because You are the one and true God!"
I thought I had answered well, but God asked, "THEN WHY DO YOU SIN?"
I answered, "Because I am only human. I am not perfect."
No answers. Only tears.
The Lord continued: "Why only sing at fellowships and retreats? Why seek Me only in times of worship? Why ask things so selfishly? Why ask things so unfaithfully?"
The tears continued to roll down my cheeks.
"Why are you ashamed of Me? Why are you not spreading the good news? Why in times of persecution, you cry to others when I offer My shoulder to cry on? Why make excuses when I give you opportunities to serve in My Name?"
I tried to answer, but there was no answer to give.
"You are blessed with life. I made you not to throw this gift away. I have blessed you with talents to serve Me, but you continue to turn away. I have revealed My Word to you, but you do not gain in knowledge. I have spoken to you but your ears were closed. I have shown My blessings to you, but your eyes were turned away. I have sent you servants, but you sat idly by as they were pushed away. I have heard your prayers and I have answered them all."
I could not answer. How could I? I was embarrassed beyond belief. I had no excuse. What could I say to this? My heart had cried out and the tears had flowed, I said, Please forgive me Lord. I am unworthy to be Your child."
The Lord answered, " That is My Grace, My child."
I asked, " Then why do you continue to forgive me? Why do You love me so?"
The Lord answered, "Because you are My creation. You are my child. I will never abandon you. When you cry, I will have compassion and cry with you. When you shout with joy, I will laugh with you. When you are down, I will encourage you. When you fall, I will raise you up. When you are tired, I will carry you. I will be with you till the end of days, and I will love you forever."
Never had I cried so hard before. How could I have been so cold? How could I have hurt God as I had done?
I asked God, "How much do You love me?"
The Lord stretched out His arms, and I saw His nail-pierced hands. I bowed down at the feet of Christ, my Saviour. And for the first time, I truly prayed.